
SharePoint standard versus custom: 8 - 2

By Alfred de Weerd posted 11-26-2013 10:30


We all now that we should use standard SharePoint as much as possible. But we tend to forget all the reasons why. Below are all 8 reasons I came accross in practise. And two reasons why customizing is sometimes inevitable.

Applying only OOTB functionality has the following advantages:

  • Applications can be created easier and cost less to create
  • Applications can be adapted easier, so they are more flexible from business perspective
  • On introduction of a new SharePoint version, the applications are easier to migrate
  • Users have a consistent and well known interface
  • Less SharePoint specialists (which are hard to find and hard to hold) are required
  • Applications are easier to manage. Costs of administration is lower
  • Risks related to programming errors are removed
  • Microsoft's strategy for SharePoint 2013 is to go for standard functionality. So applications are more future proof

Applying custom functionality has the following advantages:

  • SharePoint can be adapted so they can closely comply with user requirements
  • User friendliness can be increased

So to the surprise of many users, sticking to standard functionality has considerable advantages to them as well.

During the project, it is inevitable that discussions come up on what exactly is custom functionality and what is standard. Configuration of lists, content types, metadata et cetera? Java script? Branding? Configuration of the presentation of search results? Site templates? My simple answer is: anything that leaves intact the advantages of standard functionality, is standard. A little obvious, but also very practical.

#custom #standard #OOTB #sharepoint #SharePoint